FOLLOW-ME! Overview
Hier finden Sie unsere FAQ’s sowie updates der hyperDENT software, trainings und die hyperDENT CAD/CAM Bibliotheken.
hyperDENT connect
FOLLOW-ME Technology präsentiert stolz seinen ersten Cloud-Service. Mit hyperDENT connect bieten wir eine Datentransferplattform, die den schnellen Austausch von digitalen dentalen Fertigungsdaten ermöglicht. Erleben Sie einen nahtlosen Arbeitsablauf, der die Produktivität und Genauigkeit steigert.
Unsere Anwendung bereitet CAD-Dateien, die an den Hersteller gesendet werden, automatisch inklusive Metadaten auf, was sich sehr positiv auf den nachfolgenden Produktionsprozess auswirkt.
Unsere auftragsspezifische Chat-Funktion ermöglicht Ihnen eine mühelose Kommunikation mit dem Kunden, wodurch Missverständnisse vermieden und Fortschritte beschleunigt werden. Unser Benachrichtigungssystem hält Sie mit rechtzeitigen Warnungen und Aktualisierungen auf dem Laufenden.
Die vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern ist von zentraler Bedeutung, denn nur so können wir unser Produktportfolio gezielt weiterentwickeln, um den zukünftigen Marktanforderungen gerecht zu werden, unseren Kunden die bestmögliche Qualität zu liefern und gleichzeitig erstklassige Supportleistungen zu gewährleisten..
Als Technolgieführer entwickeln wir unser Produktportfolio kontinuierlich und zukunftsweisend durch neue, intelligente Lösungen weiter, die den zukünftigen Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen unserer Partner vorgreifen.
Als Qualitätsführer legen wir großen Wert darauf, die Qualität bestehender Funktionalitäten zu 100% zu erhalten und neue Funktionalitäten mit dem gleichen Anspruch zu entwickeln.
AEEDC Dubai 2024
06.02. – 08.05.2024, Dubai
Expodental 2024 Madrid
14.03 – 16.03.2024, Madrid
IDEM 2024
19.04. – 21.04.2024, Singapur
Zahntechnik plus
03.05. – 04.05.2024, Leipzig
exocad insights 2024
09.05. – 10.05.2024, Palma de Mallorca
VIDEC 2024
22.08. – 24.08.2024, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
Colloquium Dental 2024
17.10- 19.10.2024, Centro Fiera del Garda, Italien
03.10 – 05.10.2024, Eurexpo, Lyon, Frankreich
Meet our #followme Team in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam at the White Palace Convention Centre. The #Videc2024 takes place from 22.08. to 24.08.2024. ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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hyperdent nesting inlay onlay 9v6 software video
As we recently released our #Hyperdent v10, we would like to give some more insights in our ideas of redesigning the UI.
Focussing on functionalities you need, reducing complexity you dont want and get the best results in a dental CAM environment you´ve been looking for. ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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Has your program learned to automatically calculate undercuts like Milbox? Or do you still need to draw everything manually?
Hi we need dental software contact on +918980092456 WhatsApp
The workflow with the new hyperDENT V10!
#Hyperdent #followme ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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The NEW hyperDENT® V 10 🚀
Throughout its 15-year life cycle, hyperDENT® Classic has been synonymous with performance, efficiency, reliability, and flexibility. hyperDENT® Compact NEW was later developed to enhance the CAM workflow and user experience. These products are no longer on divergent paths, as FOLLOW-ME! Technology is proud to combine their respective strengths into hyperDENT® V10.
Due to changing market demands, the combination of Classic and Compact NEW into a single product would leave a void in FOLLOW-ME!’s offerings, so alongside the development of hyperDENT® V10, an all-new, easy to use, streamlined product was born – hyperDENT® Express.
For more information
#Followme Hashtag#hyperdent ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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Follow-Me! across Europe:
Like every year we had our annual meeting with Roland DME in Acquaviva Picena in the nice Marche Region in Italy. As always, it was nice to meet you guys!! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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The hyperDENT Hybrid Module enables the combination of
additive and subtractive technologies in one workflow. Complex geometries, inner cavities and previously non-millable dental indications can be manufactured in high quantities with very high surface quality while using minimal material. Automated workflows, such as optimal nesting of the parts on the building platform, creating support structures or generating part-offsets in the areas to be post-milled, round off this all-in-one solution.
#Trumpf #Hyperdent #followme ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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As is tradition at FOLLOW-ME! Technology to have a summer event in June, we went hiking last week around the Tegernsee. After a train ride from Munich to Gmund, we started our hike just after it stopped raining and the sun came through the clouds. We were really lucky, as the day was warm and sometimes even sunny. The view of the lake that we enjoyed throughout the day was spectacular. From Rottach-Egern, we took a boat back to Gmund, with a stunning view of the mountains. Back in Munich, we enjoyed the evening at a local Wirtshaus with our private Kegelbahn. Everyone had a good night's sleep after this adventure.
Enjoy the summer! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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Looking good!!!
Don´t miss our hyperDENT training from 17th of June to 21st of June 2024. You can find more information on ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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When passion leads to innovation.
The new Baltic Denture System is available for #Hyperdent now.
The cooperation with #vhfdental and #merzdental has produced an outstanding new and effortless full denture workflow. ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen
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Hi Marcin Szymanski, the smallest tool specifically for this prosthesis was a 1mm ball mill, but depending on the undercuts, a 0.6mm or 0.3mm can also be activated. The milling time depends on the design but will be between 1,5 and 2,5 hours. We are on a good way with the V10, but we want to make sure everything is tested before the release. Kind regards, the FOLLOW-ME! Team
What is the diameter of the smallest tool used, what is the milling time? When will v10 be available to customers?