Formnext 2022

15. – 18. November 2022 | Frankfurt am Main

Als führende Branchenplattform für additive Fertigung und industriellen 3D-Druck ist die Formnext internationaler Meetingpoint für die nächste Generation der intelligenten industriellen Produktion.


IDEM 2022

Die IDEM bot eine hervorragende Plattform für unser Unternehmen und wir trafen einige unserer aktuellen Kunden und Partner aus aller Welt. Verbessern Sie die Zusammenarbeit, tauschen Sie Ideen aus, um neue Herausforderungen anzugehen und die neuesten Markttrends zu erkunden, damit wir unsere Kompetenz aufrechterhalten, unser Wissen und unsere Fähigkeiten aktualisieren und weiterentwickeln und sicherstellen können, dass wir die weltweit führende Dentalsoftware hyperDENT sind.

Ihr FOLLOW-ME! Team, Singapore

FOLLOW-ME! auf der exocad Insights Mallorca 2022

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen unsere innovativen Chaiside- und Labside-Lösungen während der exocad Insights vom 3. bis 4. Oktober 2022 auf der sonnigen Insel Mallorca, Spanien, präsentieren zu dürfen.

hyperDENT exocad ChairsideCAD is our fully integrated blackbox solution wihin exocad.

„The integration of hyperDENT offers users the highest degree of flexibility and performance single-visit dentistry.”
Novica Savic, CCO at exocad

hyperDENT Compact is our solution for all dental lab milling machines.

„The simplified user interface with a managed workflow offers real added value to our customers.“
Dr. Ferdinand Schwenkert, CEO at FOLLOW-ME!


British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show 2023
12.05. – 13.05.2023, Birmingham / UK

Expodental Meeting Rimini 2023
18.05. – 20.05.2023, Rimini / Italy

IDEX Istanbul 2023
25.05. – 28.05.2023, Istanbul / Turkey

Sino Dental 2023
09.06. – 12.06.2023, Beijing / China

DenTech China 2023
14.10. – 17.10.2023, Shanghai / China

Formnext 2023
07.11. – 10.11.2023, Frankfurt / Germany

FOLLOW-ME! Newsletter


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Follow-Me Technology Group

Follow-Me Technology Group

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software for the dental market

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Dear #Hyperdent users, since the v10 release we spoke a lot about improvements in terms of UI, new functionalities and stuff.
Likewise we improved a lot regarding performance, accelerating the part and project loading process. Version 10 uses way less RAM, screw channel detection now works way faster and parallel.
We put a lot of effort beneath the surface to make your life easier.
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The new hyperDENT® Express has an improved amount of features and more predefined workflows to optimize the ease of use . This is also reflected in a cheaper price.

Here are some new features for the hyperDENT Express:

- Loading a milling object with CAD meta data leads the user automatically to the blank management (blank proposal) in order to streamline the workflow steps.

- Connector, sinter pin, or info engravings profiles are predefined for the user.

- Automated height optimization while nesting a milling object is performed and allows the user to work with the smallest blank possible.

#Hyperdent #followme
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The new hyperDENT® Express has an improved amount of features and more predefined workflows to optimize the ease of use . This is also reflected in a cheaper price.

Here are some new features for the hyperDENT Express:

- Loading a milling object with CAD meta data leads the user automatically to the blank management (blank proposal) in order to streamline the workflow steps.

- Connector, sinter pin, or info engravings profiles are predefined for the user.

- Automated height optimization while nesting a milling object is performed and allows the user to work with the smallest blank possible.

#hyperDENT #FOLLOWMEImage attachment

Meet our #followme Team in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam at the White Palace Convention Centre. The #Videc2024 takes place from 22.08. to 24.08.2024. ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

Meet our #FollowMe Team in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam at the White Palace Convention Centre. The #Videc2024 takes place from 22.08. to 24.08.2024.Image attachmentImage attachment

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hyperdent nesting inlay onlay 9v6 software video

As we recently released our #Hyperdent v10, we would like to give some more insights in our ideas of redesigning the UI.
Focussing on functionalities you need, reducing complexity you dont want and get the best results in a dental CAM environment you´ve been looking for.
... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

As we recently released our #hyperDENT v10, we would like to give some more insights in our ideas of redesigning the UI.
Focussing on functionalities you need, reducing complexity you dont want and get the best results in a dental CAM environment you´ve been looking for.Image attachment

2 KommentareComment on Facebook

Has your program learned to automatically calculate undercuts like Milbox? Or do you still need to draw everything manually?

Hi we need dental software contact on +918980092456 WhatsApp

The workflow with the new hyperDENT V10!

#Hyperdent #followme
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hyperDENT | The Art of Dental Engineering

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