Hybrid Manufacturing with EP-M150 Metal 3D Printer in Dental Industry

This case study is going to highlight the potential of Hybrid Manufacturing in the dental industry. The dental industry is an excellent example of the need of highly customized hybrid manufacturing parts due to human individuality and companies like FIP Zahnkunst who want to produce highest quality, tailored products for their customer in the most efficient manner. FIP Zahnkunst has noticed in the past a tough labor market situation and increasing costs. With Hybrid Manufacturing, established in 2021, based on Eplus3D’s EP-M150 and all its automatization advantages, he can overcome these issues and provide best for its customers.



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Wir wünschen Frohe Weihnachten und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr.

„Wir können den Wind nicht ändern, aber wir können die Segel richtig setzen.“ Aristoteles

Wir wünschen Frohe Weihnachten und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Büro in München von Montag, 26.12.2022 bis Freitag, 30.12.2022 geschlossen ist.

Unser technischer Support wird in dieser Zeit nicht erreichbar sein.

Wir sind ab Montag, 02.01.2023 wieder im Büro und stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.








British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show 2023
12.05. – 13.05.2023, Birmingham / UK

Expodental Meeting Rimini 2023
18.05. – 20.05.2023, Rimini / Italy

IDEX Istanbul 2023
25.05. – 28.05.2023, Istanbul / Turkey

Sino Dental 2023
09.06. – 12.06.2023, Beijing / China

DenTech China 2023
14.10. – 17.10.2023, Shanghai / China

Formnext 2023
07.11. – 10.11.2023, Frankfurt / Germany

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Follow-Me Technology Group

Follow-Me Technology Group

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software for the dental market

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Follow-Me! and imes-icore:

Last week we had our 2025 kick-off meeting with imes team at their Headquarter in Eiterfeld.

Follow-Me! and imes-icore have formed a strong partnership for many years and iCAM HD is a powerful OEM product of hyperDENT that‘s perfectly tailored to the imes-icore machines.

There are some nice joint developments to come in 2025, so watch out!!
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Follow-Me! and imes-icore:

Last week we had our 2025 kick-off meeting with imes team at their Headquarter in Eiterfeld.

Follow-Me! and imes-icore have formed a strong partnership for many years and iCAM HD is a powerful OEM product of hyperDENT that‘s perfectly tailored to the imes-icore machines.

There are some nice joint developments to come in 2025, so watch out!!

FOLLOW-ME! Technology auf dem BiKo 25.

Der Kongress für das digitale Dentalbusiness der Firma PROMADENT lädt Zahnärzte, Kieferorthopäden und Zahntechniker zu den Themen Künstliche Intelligenz, Automation und Digitalisierung nach Wienhausen bei Hannover ein.
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FOLLOW-ME! Technology auf dem BiKo 25. 

Der Kongress für das digitale Dentalbusiness der Firma PROMADENT lädt Zahnärzte, Kieferorthopäden und Zahntechniker zu den Themen Künstliche Intelligenz, Automation und Digitalisierung nach Wienhausen bei Hannover ein.

As we wrap up another year, we came together to celebrate our annual Christmas event. The day was full of excitement and energy as we challenged ourselves with a range of sports, including badminton, pickleball, and spikeball. After the hard-fought games and a good workout, we appreciated our evening dinner together even more.

Wishing everyone Merry Christmas🎄 and all the best for the year 2025 🎉 !
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As we wrap up another year, we came together to celebrate our annual Christmas event. The day was full of excitement and energy as we challenged ourselves with a range of sports, including badminton, pickleball, and spikeball. After the hard-fought games and a good workout, we appreciated our evening dinner together even more.

Wishing everyone Merry Christmas🎄 and all the best for the year 2025 🎉 !

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Alessio ha fatto la pizza?

Follow-Me! around the world:

Some days ago we had a meeting with our long term partner XTCera in Shenzhen. And we’re aiming to further develop this cooperation to the best interest of our joint customers!
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Follow-Me! around the world:

Some days ago we had a meeting with our long term partner XTCera in Shenzhen. And we’re aiming to further develop this cooperation to the best interest of our joint customers!

Follow-Me! around the world:

Recently we visited Roland DG Headquarter in Hamamatsu, Japan and discussed approaches how to further integrate DG Shape and hyperDENT products to a validated solution with mutual benefits for the user/customer!
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Follow-Me! around the world:

Recently we visited Roland DG Headquarter in Hamamatsu, Japan and discussed approaches how to further integrate DG Shape and hyperDENT products to a validated solution with mutual benefits for the user/customer!
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