Fourth office in Asia opens in Kyoto As the dental market in Asia continues to grow from strength-to-strength, FOLLOW-ME! Technology group has opened a new subsidiary in Japan. The new office based in Kyoto, is home to FOLLOW-ME!’s fourth subsidiary in Asia, in less...
Spain office launches at Expodental, Madrid A fourth European based FOLLOW-ME! office has opened in Spain. Located in the sunny coastal town of Valencia, the opening of the office has been due to an increase in country-wide demand of dental CAM software. This...
hyperDENT V7.5 has been released with improved milling strategies for better surface results. Have you updated your software yet? If you need assistance, please contact support@fm-dental.com
New flexibilities for CAD/CAM implant restorations in hyperDENT® V7.4 FOLLOW-ME! Technology Group, has released its’ hyperDENT® V7.4 software. The new version contains the much anticipated Angulated Screw Channel (ASC) Module which allows for increased functionality...
Increased functionality and flexibility for in-house production of implant-based indications FOLLOW-ME! Technology Group, are announcing that they are in their final stages of development for a new feature in their hyperDENT®...
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